Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Sneak A Post

This after-lunch break time of my working day is my least favorite time of my working day. I feel sleepy and crappy and it makes me not only feeling unproductive but truthfully unproductive. I need coffee. But I already have a cup early this morning and a second cup is not in my healthy diet plan (like I have one). I have been drinking a cup of warm water with lemon and honey first thing in the morning and I'm seeing good results, but a second cup of coffee in a day might ruin it (I think I have already said it, or wrote it).

So, I'm sneaking a blog post in the middle of a working day. It's a Tuesday. Monday is manic and Tuesday is...(please feel free to insert anything)

At this moment, my spirit is relatively low. I just tried to find inspirations from browsing through my blog roll but it seems like my mind is incapable of absorbing anything. I need to stop thinking about my thoughts. I think I just need to get this day (or better this week) and a lot of things done so I can go back to my goals on focusing on self improvement and improve the overall areas of my life.

 And oh...I'm missing (someone) something...which makes everything a little hard at this moment.

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