Saturday, September 28, 2019

Almost Forty...Expectations

And we're almost down to the last three months of the year. As of this time, it's weird that I can already feel a little Christmas chill in the air. Too early, yes, and the weather news said we are going to have a warm season. I don't know what is with me, but I feel a little relaxed and less worried about the coming holidays. I hope to receive bigger money this year, I don't know how (law of attraction?) but I will really save some money to start my retirement fund. I have not really decided yet if I'm going to buy an insurance. I started having doubts about buying a variable universal life insurance because of the many down side of getting one so in the mean time, I opt to save money before I can finally decide.

Meanwhile, the other day I browsed my old blog posts, I actually enjoyed reading some of them. It felt like I was not the one who wrote them. They sound like I'm reading another person's blog, lol. But I enjoyed it. Maybe I should put pictures in my blog again. It looks better I guess.

Speaking of Christmas, I miss receiving greeting cards with hand written messages. I browsed for a group in Facebook if there are people who are sending out Christmas cards and I found one. Most of them are from US and Canada, I was thinking if these people were willing to trade Christmas cards from the Philippines. And also, I have no idea how long will it take for the cards to arrive in the US, Europe or Canada since I have not send one in years. The last letter I send through the mail post was way back in the 90's, haha! But I'm willing to send and receive Christmas cards, even from strangers. I will try and I will update it here. Wish me luck!

Oops, why does my title said expectations? I'm almost forty. Looking back, I dreaded turning 40. It's old right? I mean forty year old women are old. Not that old, but heck not very young either. I'm...anxious?! Omg, help me! I don't want to be lonely and 40, I don't know what to expect. But...I'm grateful to be alive. I'm happy for the life itself. Yes, my life is very far from what I expected it to be, but maybe this is where I'm supposed to be.

I was thinking of writing about my failures but I just don't have the energy to do it now. My pile of laundry is waiting for me, winking! (Look, I'm still learning how to love doing the laundy) I was also thinking about body issues - yep that's part of my Almost Forty blog series (like anyone cares lol)

Anyway, I need to add a picture for this post and here it is:
This was December 2018 with the only Christmas decoration we have in our small apartment :)

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