www.shepherdsvoice.com.ph |
So this book was bought as present to a friend way back 2009 pa. I already forgot the details of the book but I am strongly recommending this to all the single ladies out there whose hopes of finding real love starts to fade. It's a real life experience of Rissa Singson-Kawpeng, a beautiful woman who met her man at the age of 38, and all the stories that account to finally finding the love of her life. It's a light read, I finished the book in two nights.
When I read the book, I can imagine the author telling those stories to me personally. It was supposed to be a present but I tore the plastic cover and decided to read it before I gave it to my friend. Sorry, I know I was not suppose to do that but I was tempted. I told this to my friend and she said that was okay. And she loved the book, she told me it helped her enlightened in so many ways. I just suddenly thought about this because Valentine is coming (although I am not a valentine fanatic). It's available at Natinal Bookstore at a very affordable price. So there, I hope this is a helpful recommendation. Have a nice day!